Applies to: Apache, Policy Server, Seclore API Server, Seclore API Gateway, ElasticSearch, Seclore Online, Lite Viewer, Windows Binary Environment.

Below are the steps to perform SSL Certificate Replacement on DAC Policy Server:

1. Please go to the following path in the Server Machine. You can ignore the path where the existing certificates are not present.






2. Take the backup of all existing certificates.

3. Replace the new certificates with the same names as of previous certificates.

4. Restart the Apache Web Service, all Tomcat services, Seclore API Gateway Service, Seclore API Server Service, Elasticsearch Service.

Document Server

You can refer to the below file for the path where the SSL certificates are currently placed. You can replace the certificate and the key file on the physical location. If the location mentioned in the file is same as above ignore this step.


NOTEIf the CA Vendor have changed we need to import the root certificate in Java.

1.Open command prompt (Start -> Run -> cmd) and naviigate to Drive/Seclore/Java/bin

2.Use below command to import the certificate

keytool -import -alias  "<ALIAS-NAME-FOR-CERTIFICATE>" -keystore  "<JRE-FOLDER>\lib\security\cacerts" -file  "<SSL-CERTIFICATE-PATH>"

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